On Wednesdays at 07:00 PM, Pastor Jonathan leads the adult Bible Study in the main church sanctuary.  These encouraging lessons offer solid Biblical truth with practical application and thought-provoking questions to truly engage the group.  Everyone is welcome! 

Current Study: Bible Matters by John Bevere

Every Christian knows they should read it, yet for most, it’s a struggle. Some have difficulty finding the passion to dive into God’s Word. Others may have a genuine passion, but just don’t know where to begin. Still others just feel confused about how to truly understand what the Bible says. There are just so many strong but divergent opinions out there, it’s hard to know which ones to trust.
If you’ve ever found yourself in any of those camps, you’re not alone. Reading the Bible shouldn’t feel like doing homework or crossing a chore off a spiritual to-do list. It should be one of the most exciting parts of your day—and with the right tools and approach, it can be! Let’s dive in.