Our early childhood classroom is open for all services offering your little one a safe space to hear a Bible lesson just for them. Using the High Voltage Kids preschool curriculum, the Bible is brought to life through object lessons, crafts, games, songs, and more. 



In Spring 2024, kids and preschoolers will begin to understand that no one is like Jesus. He did things on earth to show He is the Messiah and Savior. Kids and preschoolers will hear about the first church in Acts and explore what churches do today. During this quarter, they will begin to explore God as the Creator. Featured stories include:

  • Jesus Told the Parable of the Good Samaritan
  • Jesus Healed a Man Born Blind
  • The First Church
  • The Church Chose Leaders
  • The Creation
  • And more!

As preschoolers and kids grow in God's Word, they will hear about these concept areas from the Levels of Biblical Learning: Jesus, Church, and Creation.


“Upside Down” is a series that explores teachings from the Bible that challenge our thinking and go completely against the “normal” way of thinking. As your kids journey through this series, they will discover how God’s ways are often upside down from our own ways of thinking. We will learn that true wisdom and strength come from surrendering to God’s will and that serving others is the key to great- ness in the kingdom of God.

Each lesson explores a different theme that will challenge their thinking and help them see the world in a new way. They will learn about radical acts of love and selflessness, such as forgiving our enemies and praying for them. They will also discover the power of humility and how putting others before ourselves can bring us true joy and fulfillment. Through stories, games, crafts, and discussions, they will explore how they can apply these “upside-down” teachings to their everyday lives and grow closer to God.

So, join us on this exciting adventure as we turn our world upside down and discover the amazing upside-down kingdom of God. Together, we will learn how to live like Jesus and become true disciples of the One who turns everything upside down.

We pray that your kids enjoy this series and that their faith is stretched in the process!